The forward-leaning morning newsletter for those
who love all things green
May 10, 2022
Topics: clean biofuels, Celtic Renewables, Mine, personal cybersecurity, EVs, crypto, Katie Haun, Fidelity, bitcoin
Image: AGREEN1
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Images: CelticRenewables GIF: AGREEN1
🥃Some whisky in your tank? Thanks to Tangney, there are now whisky-fuel-powered cars riding on Scotland roads. Draff and pot ale, two whisky by-products, have become valuable to Scottish biofuel scientist Martin Tangney and his company, Celtic Renewables, turning the wastes into biofuels to power automobiles.
Celtic Renewables has raised more than £40 million ($52 million) for large-scale production. It has built a bio-refinery expected to convert 50,000 metric tons of whisky by-products into biochemicals every year. Meanwhile, William Grant & Sons, a major whisky maker in Scotland, uses biogas made from the by-products of its own whisky to power some of its trucks, reducing carbon emissions by 90%. Cheers to that!
Image: House of Saka GIF: AGREEN1
👣Want to erase your digital footrpint? The best way to prevent hackers from stealing your information online could be by deleting it from all the sites you visit. Is that even possible? Co-founders Gal Ringel, Gal Golan, and Kobi Nissan have created a solution. They all worked at Israel's military cyber unit, and together they developed a company called Mine.
Their AI technology allows people to locate where sites have stored their data and erase any information about them that they do not want online. Mine now offers the "smart assistant solution" at full scale. The company has revealed that more than one million people worldwide have utilized its technology and they are hiring.
💡More electricians needed For California to have up to 7.5 million EVs on the roads by 2030, the California Energy Commission has said the state needs more than 1.2 million EV chargers installed. Experts expect that to create more than 2,609 jobs for local electricians.
California Assemblyman, Phil Ting, sponsored Assembly Bill 841 in 2020. The bill requires that more than one-quarter of the publicly-funded projects in California be offered to only certified electricians to handle. To be fully qualified, they would attend the Electrical Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP). Industry experts launched the EVITP in 2012 to tackle installation errors. Up to 2,300 California electricians have now attended the program. Good to hear the infrastructure will be installed by the most highly qualified technicians possible. #BuiltToLast.
🎉Keep an eye on Katie Haun Celebrating women in business with Katie Haun, who started Haun Ventures in December 2021. She has raised a whopping $1.5 billion for her new investment firm as she has proven to be one of the world’s top crypto investors. Haun was a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, a major Silicon Valley venture capital firm and she is a former federal prosecutor involved in cases regarding cyber crimes, fraud, gangs and more.
Haun Ventures marks the largest debut venture fund ever raised by a solo female founding partner, as reported by Pitchbook. Haun has said her company will focus on crypto startups and the Web3. She intends to invest a quarter of the funds in early-stage companies and protocols and $1 billion in later-stage projects. She's worth keeping an eye on.
Thanks again for being you. Until the next issue, be sure to add more green to your life!
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