The forward-leaning morning newsletter for those
who love all things green
October 9, 2023
Topics: Earth, solar eclipse, NACS EV charging, sustainable wine, Juliet, Google, tech, antitrust
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☀️Solar eclipse The annual solar eclipse is coming on Saturday, October 14 this year. The partial eclipse will display a dazzling "ring of fire." Isn't that a Johnny Cash song that was co-written by his wife, June Carter-Cash? That's 100% correct, and if you tap those quoted words, you can see Johnny performing the classic that was released 60 years ago, in 1963.
We have an amazing solar system where all the planets orbit around the magnetic and life-giving Sun. Many ancient societies who were more attuned to the Earth actually worshipped the Sun. If you want to connect with those who came long before us, you can witness the ring of fire through the site. It's safer and you will not run the risk of damaging your eyes.
Scientists predict the moon blocking the sun experience to unfold this way: 1.5 hours of partial eclipse followed by 2-5 minutes of ring of fire then followed by 1.5 hours of partial eclipse.
🔌2 more EVs join Tesla The July 3 issue of AGREEN1 revealed that 4 EV makers will be adopting Tesla’s charging technology, aka “North American Charging Standard” (NACS) ports. Kia and Hyundai just announced that they would also be adopting NACS ports in 2024 and 2025.
It has been a well-fought battle to decide which EV charging ports would be best to universally adopt for the convenience of drivers and Tesla was the well-deserved victor. Tesla’s supercharger technology proved to be the fastest, best developed, most reliable and most conveniently located. Currently, Aptera, Honda, Fisker, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Jaguar, GM, Rivian, Polestar, Volvo and now Kia and Hyundai are partnering with Tesla to use and expand Tesla's NACS EV supercharging technology ports.
🍷A new way to sip some vino Not entirely a new way to sip, but certainly a more sustainable one. In beautiful Santa Barbara, California wineries supply owners Allison Luvera and Lauren De Niro Pipher with eco-friendly wine for their boxed wine company they named Juliet. The wineries are specifically located in the Happy Canyon of Santa Barbara, in a Certified California Sustainable Winery.
The partners insisted on placing the nurtured wine in containers that lower carbon emissions by 84% and chose to use boxes and not glass bottles. It's about the same as 2 bottles of wine, so perfect for a group of 4 or more. Give it a drink and let them know what you think about it. Adding a sustainable thrust to an old tradition is worth exploring.
👂Snippets from Google's antitrust trial The court case filed by the U.S. Dept of Justice and many state attorneys general against Google for antitrust began September 12. It is scheduled to last almost 3 months. So far a former Google employee testified that he worked at Google for 17 years and amongst other things, said; “pretty much everyone knows we’re using clicks in rankings.”
In fact, Google has a ranking system and an algorithm, and everyone using the internet to be searched for knows about. The lawsuit is considered to be the most profound tech/internet case since 1998 when the DOJ sued Microsoft. If Google is found to be illegally controlling our searches and preventing other search engines from providing content, that will change the internet as we know it. Google is using the same lead attorney that Microsoft used over 25 years ago. AGREEN1 will provide updates.
Stay Curious... Who are we?
Fun question of the day:
Will you watch the solar eclipse?
Who are we?
Are you ready for American football season?
4% of respondents said YES
Thanks again for being you. Until the next issue, be sure to add more green to your life!
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