The forward-leaning morning newsletter for those
who love all things green
October 2, 2023
Topics: Patagonia, Earth justice for youth, Canary Media, renewable energy, battery storage capacity, Clean People detergents
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🎉Patagonia Being a good steward to the Earth is one of the many facets comprising Patagonia's famous reputation. The $3 billion company is based in Ventura, California, and daily surfing is normal for employees. AGREEN1 covered the 50 year anniversary deeper commitment to help save the Earth in the October 10, 2022 issue. Patagonia's new CEO, Ryan Gellert is speaking up and at other CEOs.
“I think common sense tells us that the climate ecological crisis is one of the biggest threats facing humanity.” Gellert said at an event on September 19. Besides consistently delivering a great product or service, a brand needs to connect with consumers, and Patagonia has been extremely successful at that.
CEOs who want to be very profitable and not harm the Earth, can follow in Patagonia's footsteps, and work closely with nonprofits and their employees to develop strategies for heartfelt areas of interest and concern. When employers offer their employees the opportunity to be paid while volunteering, employees stay happier longer. Equally important is to redesign supply chains, making sure to support companies that are also taking their responsibility to the environment very seriously.
🌍Six Portuguese youths seek justice More and more young people are insisting on their day in court. The justice they seek is for a decent planet to call home before it's too late. On October 4 six Portuguese natives ages 11-24 will be appearing before the European Court of Human Rights. They are denouncing governments for failing to address climate change and therefore violating their human rights.
Their claim is against 32 European governments. The claimants feel enslaved by the climate and are unable to concentrate, sleep or even exercise outside with the heatwaves unfurl on them at an intensified rate over time. There is a psychological and physical price that the youth pay for climate extremes and these six are demanding accountability. Their victory could force those governments to make the changes needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Image: EIA
🔋California makes serious gains Sometimes it's great to pause and give some praise. Canary Media recently reporting on the impressive rise in battery grid storage that has been accomplished by California in the last few years.
"Battery capacity jumped from 500 megawatts in 2020 to 5,000 megawatts by (May) 2023; that amounts to 7.6% of the electricity system’s nameplate capacity."
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), battery capacity across the country increased from 161 megawatts in 2015 to 8,827 megawatts in 2023. Storage for renewable and clean energy is a growing reality and pioneers like Tesla and others paved the way almost 10 years ago with the support of California's leadership.
🧼Clean and so Earth friendly Here's a company that is doing the right thing. And, they have a "BOGO" Buy One Get One (free) offer. Clean People makes laundry detergent sheets (strips) to be used instead of liquid laundry detergent that comes in those plastic containers that are terrible for the environment. Ditch those darn plastic detergent containers!
According to the Clean People website, their environmentally friendly products work in all machines. We looked at the 547 total reviews of the product and were happy to see that 527 people gave a 5 star rating. With free shipping always and now this BOGO offer. Go for it!
Stay Curious... Who are we?
Fun question of the day:
Are you ready for American football season?
Who are we?
Is adult-use cannabis legal in your state or country?
44% of respondents said YES
Thanks again for being you. Until the next issue, be sure to add more green to your life!
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