The forward-leaning morning newsletter for those
who love all things green
November 18, 2022
Topics: COP27, EVs, NEM3.0, fintech, hemp, UK, Greencore Construction
Image: Val P. Breckenridge
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🔊COP27 happening now Last year, AGREEN1 issue November 3, touched on COP26. Recall that young Greta Thunberg let government leaders know in very clear terms that the youth of the world are mad as hell by the terrible stewardship of the planet under their watch. For COP27, there are 197 countries present.
Since Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC "COP" started in 1992, it has paltry results to show, and 27 years later has stated: "Science has established beyond doubt that the window for action is closing rapidly. In November 2022, Egypt will host the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, with a view to building on previous successes and paving the way for future ambition. A golden opportunity for all stakeholders to rise to the occasion and tackle effectively the global challenge of climate change facilitated by Egypt on the African continent."
📐Keeping the story straight Millions of EVs are certain to be on U.S. roads by the end of this decade. There is a concern about whether power grids can handle the demand. The issue became more serious when California’s grid operator asked customers to limit charging their EVs to prevent blackouts during a heatwave in October.
Industry experts have now said that utilities will not only do well in handling more EVs but that EVs will also be able to send energy back to grids during peak demand times. The technology phenomenon, known as vehicle-to-grid or V2G, was recently tested in Massachusetts by Highland Electric Fleets. Meanwhile, the Ford F-150 Lightning pickup and Chevrolet Silverado EVs can power homes.
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👎CA utility companies need to stop it Net energy metering (NEM) is a renewable energy policy functioning in about 40 U.S. states. Citizens can receive financial credits in their electric bills when they feed excess energy from their renewable energy storage back to utilities.
In California, for example, the policy has encouraged rooftop solar panel installations in around 1.3 million homes, the highest in any state. But the state’s utility companies obviously haven’t been happy about it. Their new proposal, NEM 3.0, pins extra charges on Californians, including people who do not use solar power, and lowers what the utility companies pay per kWh of excess energy returned to grids. Several environmental groups and even individuals have called out utility companies. The Environmental Working Group of California, started gathering petitions from Californians to fight against the policy.
The decision is up to the CPUC and their vote is on December 15, 2022.
🤑Free money from banks The U.S. banking industry has become fiercely competitive with the emergence of financial technology (fintech) firms. As a result, there is an increasingly tough battle between legacy banks and fintech startups over customers.
So while the industry leaders play chess to keep their customers, new banks are rolling out hard-to-resist offerings to attract the same people. Banks are giving cash bonuses to new account openers, along with existing customers who move their funds from one account to another. The cash bonuses vary between $100 and $2,000. Terms and conditions apply.
Images: GIF: AGREEN1
🌿Hemp-based homes in the U.K. In 2014, Greencore Construction started using Hempcrete panels to build houses in the country's most sustainable residential development, Springfield Meadows, in Southmoor, Oxfordshire. The homes are 100% electric, no natural gas.
The sustainable builder completed 25 hemp-based homes recently, and people have moved into them. The hemp-based homes run with clean electricity; some even have storage batteries and will, in the future, be able to export excess energy back to the grid. Three cheers to the builders and the homesteaders.
🐦Name changer From Rainn Wilson to Rainnfall Heat Wave Rising Sea Levels Wilson. He wants to throw emphasis to leaders and all the world, on the perils we all face with the melting of the arctic ice.
In his Twitter feed he requests all to go to:
Stay Curious... Who are we?
Fun question of the day: Do you belong to a gym?
Who are we?
Last fun question of the day: Have you heard of Pickelball?
95% of respondents said NO, 5% said NO.
Thanks again for being you. Until the next issue, be sure to add more green to your life!
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