The forward-leaning morning newsletter for those
who love all things green
April 17, 2023
Topics: Earth Week, environment, 420 holiday, cannabis, NBA, WNBA, eVTOL, solar energy, U.S. IRA
Image: AGREEN1
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🌳Earth Day #53 is now Earth Week It started in 1970, over half a century ago, when air and water pollution was much worse because it was much less regulated than now. Earth Day turned into a global grassroots movement for the protection of the environment and for promoting global carbon neutrality. According to the Earth Day website, we now support Earth Week April 14-22. Gains have been made, but much more needs to be done. Find at least one Earth Week event to attend; they are very informative, fun and a great way to connect with your community too.
Other ways to deepen understanding is to read Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (1962), which describes how DDT and other pesticides enter our food supplies. She died from breast cancer in 1964. You can also watch Who Killed the Electric Car (2006), clean up litter and decide to never use plastic bags.
🍁420 Holiday is always on April 20, here's why In 1971, five high school students in San Rafael, CA collectively decided that 4:20 p.m. was the perfect time to meet up to get high. (Sounds like a teenage version of the adult after work beer.) The fivesome also gave themselves a nickname: the Waldos, because they met at a certain wall to puff away. And at that place and time, they would consume their cannabis. How does this minor event turn into a global holiday for cannabis lovers? Well, have you heard of the legendary rock band called the Grateful Dead?
If you haven't, you are missing out on some of the finest "Americana" culture, so we urge (order) you to tap this Grateful Dead link and listen to some Grateful Dead music. Your inner-hippie will thank you! Remember, fifty years ago, cannabis was completely illegal and code words were needed. When one of the Waldos worked as a roadie with the band, the 420 reference became incorporated in the Grateful Dead universe. In a springtime comparison, the Grateful Dead and their followers were like the bees spreading the pot code lingo in pollination fashion across the U.S. and the globe. Now every April 20th (420) is the global day for cannabis lovers to celebrate... and dispensaries have GREAT discounts!
🏀NBA and WNBA go greener Many years of efforts by NBA players, such as Kevin Durant, Al Harrington and John Salley, to get cannabis use penalties removed in the NBA have finally paid off. This April 1st, the National Basketball Players Association reached a 7-year agreement with the NBA to allow professional players (both men and women) to consume cannabis without any penalties from the leagues. It will also allow players to invest in and promote betting and cannabis brands.
It had already removed cannabis from the league's drug testing program, which makes sense, since adult use cannabis is legal in 22 states and medical use cannabis is legal in 36 U.S. states.
🚁It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's an eVTOL Air transportation/mobility has started transitioning to clean energy. In a few years, we will begin to travel in planes powered by either electric or hydrogen fuel. If you have been following AGREEN1 then you have heard about this electric aircrafts before; however, unlike conventional planes, eVTOLs take off and land vertically. The first ones could launch as soon as 2025 if regulations permit.
But transportation experts say that eVTOLs will not replace conventional aircraft. Instead, they will solve challenges like completing last-mile delivery to rural places, transporting people and organs to hospitals, and avoiding traffic in metropolitan areas. If powered by renewable energy, they will cut aviation emissions by more than 50 percent. If we power eVTOLs and conventional planes with renewable energy, they will cut emissions by 88 percent.
💪Climate leadership A few years ago, you wouldn't have been wrong to hold the United States responsible for the state of the global climate warming so rapidly. It was the largest producer of crude oil, and it was also the biggest consumer, thus the largest producer of greenhouse gasses through 2021.
However, in 2022 President Joe Biden and Congress took a step that redirected the U.S. on a new climate pathway, and has made it the most attractive place for climate and clean-energy investments. Known as the Inflation Reduction Act, the change offers companies developing batteries, EVs, and renewable materials exciting incentives to make operating in the United States more profitable. As a result, the country will more quickly adopt clean energy supplies, and create new jobs to improve the environment and the economy. The IRA not only set the U.S. ahead in the climate race; it now positions the U.S. to provide expert leadership. For instance, Canada and France have proposed similar budget policies to offer incentives and tax credits to clean-energy companies.
Stay Curious... Who are we?
Fun question of the day: Have you seen or do you own a solar powered home generator?
Who are we?
Last fun question of the day: Have you made Earth Day plans yet?
15% of respondents said YES
Thanks again for being you. Until the next issue, be sure to add more green to your life!
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